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  • Puigmartí-Luis, Josep

    Prof. Dr. Josep Puigmartí-Luis is a chemist who completed a master in Chemistry and Food Engineering at “Institut Químico de Sarrià (IQS)” (2003) and did a PhD in materials science […]

    Curutchet Barat, Carles Eduard

    Carles Curutchet is Full Professor at the University of Barcelona. He began his research career at this university (Ph. D. awarded in 2005 under the supervision of Prof. F. J. […]

    Luque Garriga, Francisco Javier

    He obtained the PhD degree in Science (Chemistry) by the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) in 1989, and is currently Full Professor in Physical Chemistry since 2003. As Head of […]

    Poater Teixidor, Jordi

    BorBorn in 1977. He got his PhD in Chemistry in 2003 at the Universitat de Girona (UdG) with a thesis on the analysis of chemical bonding and aromaticity of organic […]

    Vilaseca Font, Eudald

    Since 1995, his research takes place within the group of “BioPhysicalChemistry of Macromolecules and Colloids” (BioPhysChem) of the Department of Science of Materials and Chemical Physics of the University of […]

    Mota Valeri, Fernando

    Solé Sabaté, Albert

    Born in 1955, he studied for the first three years of his degree in Tarragona and the following two courses at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Barcelona, […]

    Sousa Romero, Carme

    Carmen Sousa graduated in Chemistry from the University of Barcelona in 1989. She received her Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry at the same university in 1994 under the supervision of Prof. […]

    Llunell Marí, Miquel

    Miquel Llunell i Marí is presently associate professor in Physical Chemistry at the University of Barcelona where he is a member of the Electronic Structure and Symmetry Group. His actual […]

    Lucas Alcorta, Josep Maria