IQTC Women

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  • Maria Fumanal

    She is a “Ramón y Cajal” researcher in the field of computational chemistry. I think my parents were my main referents growing up. They both worked very hard in the […]

    Marina Corbella Morató

    She is a postdoc. My role models have been usually women, none from the scientific ambit. No. No, although I know there are still inequalities. I’ve been always treated as […]

    Laia Navarro

    She is a PhD student. Did you have any role models/referents growing up? Were they women? Were they from the scientific ambit? My grandmother was a referent and still is, […]

    Salomé Llabrés Prat

    She is a “Juan de la Cierva” researcher in the field of computational biology. Did you have any role models/referents growing up? Were they women? Were they from the scientific […]

    Gender gap in research and academia

    Maria Fumanal Salomé Llabrés Prats Laia Navarro Marina Corbella Morató