Advanced Molecular Modelling: biomolecules and drug design 2021
The advanced course intended to broaden the vision of the potentials of computing in the research and development of new drugs, new materials or new compounds.
The course takes place for a whole week and is mainly addressed to Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacy and Chemical Engineering students.
Organizers: Prof. Sergio Madurga, Prof. Jaime Rubio.

The course will be held in CATALAN/SPANISH
The sessions will involve the following subjects:
- Jordi Poater (2h). “Analysis of non-covalent interactions in DNA base pairs”.
- Carles Curuchet (2h): “Multi-scale modelling of solutions and biomolecules”
- Beatriz Piniello and Irene Cuxart(2h): “Visualising biomolecules in action”
- Salomé Llabrés, Carolina Estarellas (2h+2h) 2 sessions: “Protein Molecular Dynamics”
- Jaime Rubio (2h): “Drug Design”
- Sergio Madurga (2h): “Simulation of macromolecule systems”
- Juan Jesús Pérez (2h): “GPCR receptors and Drug Design”
UPDATED DATES: The EDITION for 2021 will take place from July 5th to July 8th.