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Transfer Technology Process at the UB

The IQTC organizes a virtual seminar on basic knowledge in research transfer of technology, with the collaboration of the Fundació Bosch i Gimpera.
The webinar will take place on

April 9th 2021 at 11:30

on the ZOOM platform at the following VIRTUAL ROOM and it will cover three fundamental aspects of the transfer technology process: the research valorization via licensing, the spin-offs creation and the collaboration with the private sector.

Please REGISTER at the following LINK


0. Presentation of Fundació Bosch I Gimpera, the UB’s technology transfer office.

1. Valorization and Licensing: [Speaker: Eva Martín, 20 min]
        – Invention disclosures assessment
        – Technology protection (patents, copyrights, trade secret / know-how)
        – Technology valorization (Proof of Concept programs)
        – Technology license

2. Business Creation: [Speaker: Jose Conde, 15-20 min]
        – Key questions to start a business
        – Entrepreneurship support programs at the UB
        – Spin-off creation procedure at the UB

3. Contract Research: [Speaker: Salvador Mena, 15-20 min]
        – University-Industry collaboration
        – Commercialization and marketing of UB’s expertise
        – Benefits of public-private collaboration