IQTC Women: Anabel Jurado
Anabel Jurado got her degree in Chemistry in 2018, and doing the TFG with Dr. Francesc Viñes on the adsorption of atomic oxygen on transition metals.
Later on, she did a MsC in Applied Materials Chemistry in 2019, continuing with the TFM with Dr. Francesc Viñes, finishing the TFG topic, completing the table of the remaining transition metals. At the end of the course, she made an oral presentation at the Workshop on Advanced Materials held in Varna, Bulgaria, titled “First-Principles Evaluation of the Initial Oxidation of Transition Metals Surfaces”. Workshop in the framework of the project funded by the European Union (EU) under Horizon 2020 (H2020).

Now, Anabel is doing PhD with Dr. Angel Morales and Prof. Dr. Francesc Illas as directors, in the study of two-dimensional surfaces as catalysts for the Reverse Water Displacement Reaction in Gas (RWGS).
Other short oral presentations she has done are:
“Noves Propietats en Compostos MXenes” in TesiMarató de Química II
“Superfícies i estructures 2D de carburs de metalls de transició com a catalitzadors substituts de la reacció inversa de desplaçament d’aigua en gas” in TesiMarató de Química III

She has done some poster presentations as well:
Poster “First-principles Evaluation of the Initial Oxidation of Transition Metal Surfaces” in MdM Scientific Advisory Board Meeting Barcelona. IQTC (29/11/2019)
XI-IQTCUB meeting Barcelona with the poster “MXene Nitrides as a Potential Materials for CCS” (29/01/2021)
In her spare time, Anabel likes listening to music, playing video games, carpentry (making and restoring furniture), being with family and friends and walking in the mountains with her dogs.