“Visions de ciència: l’àtom i els secrets quàntics” – Talks about quantum chemistry
Quantum chemistry has revolutionized our understanding of the universe and has boost technological progress. This year is the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology and these talks will take us to the first steps that were taken in order to understand the atomic theory all the way through the current applications.
Our very own Xavier Giménez will be talking on February 10th at 18:30h in the Biblioteca El Clot-Josep Benet.
There will be 8 lectures in total between February 3rd and March 24th at different locations.
More information in the following link: https://guia.barcelona.cat/es/detall/cicle-tematic-visions-de-la-ciencia-l-atom-i-els-secrets-quantics-dates_99400750842.html