Llabrés Prats, Salomé
Postdoctoral Researcher (Beatriu de Pinós-Juan de la Cierva)
Biocatalysis and drug discovery
Department of Nutrition, Food Sciences and Gastronomy
Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences
University of Barcelona
C/Joan XXIII, 27-31
Salomé Llabré obtained her PhD on Biotechnology at the University of Barcelona in 2015, which focused on the development of novel anti-Influenza inhibitors via mechanistic studies and drug design approaches. After her PhD, she moved to the group of Dr Ulrich Zachariae at the University of Dundee as a postdoctoral research assistant to investigate the mechanisms of resistance of Gram-negative bacteria. In 2018, Salomé joined the group of Dr. Julien Michel at the University of Edinburgh to study the conformational fluctuations and energetic landscapes of intrinsic disordered regions of proteins. In 2019, she started working at the EPCC at the University of Edinburgh as an Applications developer in Data Science, where she was actively involved in the BioExcel-2 project. In September of 2020, she joined the Computational Biology and Drug Design group (CBDD) as a Juan de la Cierva researcher.