
Vilaseca Font, Eudald

Associate Professor

Research Area:
Biocatalysis and drug discovery

Department of Materials Science & Physical Chemistry
Faculty of Chemistry
University of Barcelona
c/Martí i Franquès, 1

+34 93 4021238

Since 1995, his research takes place within the group of “BioPhysicalChemistry of Macromolecules and Colloids” (BioPhysChem) of the Department of Science of Materials and Chemical Physics of the University of Barcelona. The group belongs to the XRQTC (Network of Reference of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry of Catalonia) and to the IQTCUB (Institute of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry of the University of Barcelona), and it collaborates with other theoretical groups in complex system modelling of environmental and biological interest.
His scientific production can be resumed as:
4 sexennium of investigation (1980-2015), the last one 2006-2011
1 PhD directed.
Quote total: 393 (SCI)
Average of cites/year during the last 5 years: 37,2 (SCI)
Index h: 11 (SCI)
The developed research consists of two main lines:
1- Physical chemistry of the macromolecular complexation in colloidal systems.
2- Study of reaction-diffusion processes at situations of macromolecular crowding.