
Corbella, Marina

Postdoctoral Researcher

I obtained my PhD (2018) in Computational Chemistry from the University of Barcelona (Faculty of Pharmacy) under the supervision of Prof. Carles Curutchet (2014-2018) for the study of the impact of the environment in charge and energy transfer processes in biological systems. I held a one year assistant professor position at the same faculty and then moved to the group of Prof. Lynn Kamerlin at Uppsala University as postdoc and then as a MSCA fellow (2019-2022) where my research was focused on the study of loop dynamics and allostery in enzyme catalysis. I recently joined Prof. Carme Rovira’s group at the University of Barcelona (February 2023) where I work on the study of molecular mechanisms in carbohydrate-active enzymes involved in disease using QM/MM MD metadynamics, with the aim to design new competitive inhibitors, in the project “Unveiling molecular mechanisms in carbohydrate-active enzymes involved in disease by computer simulations.”

Finished thesis: 2018
Current group: Carme Rovira