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Tuesday 19th

13:00-15:00Networking Lunch
15:00-15:15Welcome by Eliseo Ruiz
15:15-16:15Talk by David Glowacki
Interactive molecular dynamics in virtual reality using real-time cloud computing
16:15-17:15Talk by Martina Maritan, Ph.D. (Nanome)
A virtual and mixed reality platform for molecular design & drug discovery
17:15-17:45Coffee Break
17:45-18:45Talk by Chido Mpamhanga, Ph.D. (Nanome)
How Nanome found a home in LifeArc’s Ideas Factory.
Leveraging available informatics and modeling tools to enable collaborative
and integrated design (a case study by Chido Mpamhanga)

Zoom link to the session: https://ub-edu.zoom.us/s/93314450699

Meeting ID: 933 1445 0699
Access code: 789218

Wednesday 20th

9:45-10:00Talk by Isabel Botey
Spanish Supercomputing Network: Access to HPC resources for research acceleration
10:00-10:30Talk by Immersium Studio
Virtual Reality to improve soft skills
10:30-11:00Talk by Alba Fombona
Enhancing Chemistry Education through Immersive Virtual Reality:
A Revolution in Learning
11:00-11:30Talk by Salomé Llabrés
Development of a virtual reality interface for molecular simulations-driven
interactive ensemble-based drug design
11:30-12:00Coffee Break
12:00-12:30Talk by Digivision
Virtual Reality and Metaverse.
Great opportunity to merge research, diffusion, entertainment,

teaching and education.
12:30-13:30Talk by Mel Slater
Speculations on Virtual Reality in Chemistry”
13:30-13:45Concluding remarks by Eliseo Ruiz

Zoom link: https://ub-edu.zoom.us/s/92723865832

Meeting ID: 927 2386 5832
Access code: 668985