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Nonadiabatic Renner-Teller quantum Dynamics of OH(X2P) + H+ reactive collisions

Nonadiabatic Renner-Teller quantum Dynamics of OH(X2P) + H+ reactive collisions

P. Gamallo, S. Akpinar, P. Defazio, C. Petrongolo.
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19 (2017) 4454.

2017 line4 e

wave packet density at three physical times over the ground potential energy surface X1A’’ (red)
and first excited A1A (blue) at J = 10, p = + and K0 = 0.


Nonadiabatic quantum dynamics study has been applied to OH(X2P) + H+ -> OH(X2P) + H+, exchange, -> OH+(X3S-) + H’(2S), quenching, i -> OH’+ (X3S-) + H(2S), exchangequenching by means of time dependent real wave packet method and considering the Renner- Teller nonadiabatic couplings between both potential energy surfaces of OH2+ that correlate reactants with products, the ground one X2A’’ and the first excited A2A’. We have obtained reactants state-specific probabilities, cross sections and rate constants along with the microscopic mechanism analysis. The results confirm that nonadiabatic channels, quenching and exchange-quenching, are the most reactive channels even more than the adiabatic channel of exchange, and that reactivity of quenching channels is similar, accounting for 97% to the total reactivity of the system.