Modeling and subtleties of K-Ras and Calmodulin interaction
E. Garrido, J. Lázaro, M. Jaumot, N. Agell, J. Rubio-Martínez.
PLoS Comput. Biology, 14 (2018) e1006552.

Proposed model of union of K-Ras with CaM in the presence of plasma membrane.
In the present work by using different computational modeling techniques we obtained a model for the K-Ras/Calmoduline interaction that agrees with the experimental data. We believe the present model will help to better understand K-Ras regulation, and to design new inhibitors. For instance, based on our model, we can predict that the interaction can take place at the plasma membrane, and that since the surface of K-Ras that interact with Calmodulin is the same that it uses for dimerization, mimetics of Calmodulin can inhibit K-Ras dimerization.