[UF6]2-: A molecular hexafluorido actinide(IV) complex with compensating spin and orbital magnetic moments
K. S. Pedersen, K. R. Meihaus, A. Rogalev, F. Wilhelm, D. Aravena, M. Amoza, E. Ruiz, J. R. Long, J. Bendix, R. Clérac.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 58 (2019) 15650.

Cartoon that symbolizes the combination of computational and experimental studies on a novel uranium anion.
Synthesis, structural determination and spectroscopic and magnetic studies of a novel uranium anion, carried out by an international team in which two researchers from the IQTC were in charge of the multireference CASSCF calculations that allow to explain the unexpectedly very small magnetization found in synchrotron XMCD (X-ray magnetic circular dichroism) measurements as due to the compensation of spin and orbital contributions.