The revolution Virtual Reality has brought to Computational Chemistry.
Augmented reality and virtual reality are very useful tools in the chemical world because they allow to explore the atomic and molecular environment in an inmersive way. In the last years, thanks to the technical advances and the computing power of the newer computers, there has been incredible progress in the field. Companies specialized in the development of these techniques applied to chemistry have started to appear, such as Nanome and Visyon, providing a greater access to these technologies.
Having this possibility at our reach allows us to bring chemistry closer to students and researchers, making it easier to analyze chemical reactions, molecular properties proteins and nucleic acids. These tools can be used to visualize molecular dynamics trajectories in complex systems generated with state-of-the-art computers as well. The objective of this workshop, called “New Trends in Virtual Reality in Chemistry 2023”, is to disclose these means and delve into the wide range of posibilities that the use of virtual and augmented reality offers inside our research fields.
This workshop will be held on September 19th and 20th and it will bring together worldwide leading experts in the application and development of virtual reality. Of course, there will be space for discussing the future perspectives of this exciting research field. The workshop will last for two days, and will include talks by invited speakers from both academia and industry.
We look forward to meeting you all there!
The Institut of Computational Chemistry and the Doctoral Program on Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modeling are organizing this event with the support of the Red Española de Supercomputación, the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, the Facultat de Farmàcia i Ciències de l’Alimentació, the Facultat de Química, and the Societat Catalana de Química.
– Jordi Cirera
– Carles Curutchet
– Mercè Deumal
– Francesc Illas
– Eliseo Ruiz
– Aïda Valverde
– Francesc Viñes
Event funded with the
This activity is part of the Grant CEX2021-001202-M funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033.