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IQTC Internal seminar 6th November 2018

This Tuesday 6th of November we have the next session of the IQTC internal seminars. It will take place as usual at the Sala d’Actes of the Depertment of Material Sciences and Physical Chemistry at 12. The speakers of this sessions will be:

Marta Vilaplana
Title: Disseny i síntesi de compostos orgànics amb potencial activitat antitumoral per inhibició enzimàtica
Abstract: Recerca de nous inhibidors (small molecules) de la proteïna Pcsk9, la seva síntesi i disseny

Juan José Piñero
Title: Production and uses of H2
Abstract: H2 is a serious candidate clean fuel to replace hydrocarburs. In addition, H2 is used to convert noxious exhaust products and/or greenhouse gases into other added-value greener products, such as CO2 conversion into methanol. Different methods and quantities to produce H2 are shown.