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VII IQTCUB Symposium


We are glad to announce the VIIth IQTCUB Symposium that will take place on Fri 10th June 2016 in the Facultat de Química of Universitat de Barcelona at Aula Enric Casassas. The Symposium will be scheduled as a series of lectures and poster presentations as reported in the attached pdf documents.

Take a look to the posters list that will be able to see during the event.

Please remember to book the day in your agenda!


 9:45 – 10:50



Francesc Illas, Director of IQTCUB

 9:50 – 10:50


 “Surface-hopping excited-state dynamics”

Walter Thiel (Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung)

 10:50 – 11:15


 “Single molecule motors working on surfaces”

Jorge Echeverría (IQTCUB, Universitat de Barcelona)

 11:15 – 11:30


 “Thiolate-protected Gold Nanoparticles: structural properties and reactivity”

Lluís Raich (IQTCUB, Universitat de Barcelona)

 11:30 – 12:15  Coffee Break & Poster Session  icon pdf

 12:15 -12:40


 “Nomad, the Novel Materials Discovery laboratory”

Rosendo Valero (IQTCUB, Universitat de Barcelona)

 12:40 – 13:05


 “Versatile optimization of chemical ordering in bimetallic nanoparticles”

Gabor Kovács (IQTCUB, Universitat de Barcelona)

 13:05 – 13:30


 “Theoretical study of heterogeneous photo-catalysis”

Annapaola Migani (ICN2, CSIC, BIST)



Francesc Illas, Director of IQTCUB

 13:45 – open  Lunch & Poster Session  icon pdf