Open positions

INPhINIT Incoming Fellowship – Identifying function of non-structured proteins by molecular simulations. New paradigm for intrinsic disordered proteins.

Dr. Sergio Madurga Díez


The Biophysical Chemistry of Macromolecules and Colloids (BioPhysChem) group, belongs to the Integrative Biochemistry consolidated group by the Generalitat of Catalonia (Spain), directed by Prof. Marta Cascante of Biochemical and Molecular Biomedicine Department (UB), which has acquired great international prestige in the field of Systems Biology for its development of an interdisciplinary research that combines the experimental tools of biochemistry and molecular biology with the computerization of biochemical process modelling, generating tools for the analysis and characterization of cell metabolism with biomedical and biotechnological purposes. In particular, the BioPhysChem group, directed by Prof. Francesc Mas of Materials Science and Physical Chemistry Department (UB), has a broad experience in both theoretical-computational and experimental research. Theoretical experience is based on Statistical Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Polyelectrolytes, Enzyme and Fractal Kinetics of complex geometries and non-linear dynamics processes. Computational experience is based on Quantum Chemistry calculations, Monte Carlo, Molecular Dynamics and Brownian Dynamics simulation techniques. Experimental expertise is based on the use of spectroscopic, electrochemical and rheological techniques, and other usual techniques of physicochemical characterization. The main research areas of the BioPhysChem groups are devoted to: i) Physical chemistry of the macromolecular complexation. statistical mechanics of polyelectrolytes and charged soft-nanoparticles; ii) Simulation of reaction-diffusion processes in crowded systems, and iii) Modelling of processes with peptides and proteins.