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The IQTC participates in three research projects for the mitigation and adaptation to climate change

The ajuts per finançar projectes de recerca per a la mitigació i adaptació al canvi climàtic have been recently resolved and several IQTC researchers are participating in some of the projects that have been awarded.

The objective of the announcement is to finance research projects in diferent scientific fields. These projects aim to analyse the impact of the climate change in diferent natural systems and social and economic ambits, and propose new measures and models that can contribute to mitigate it and increase its adaptative capacity.

Roc Matheu is the leader of the “Towards a decarbonized chemical industry: enhancing the performance of Cu oxide nanocatalysts in carbon dioxide electrolyzers” project.

Ángel Morales, Carme Sousa, Francesc Viñes, Francesc Illas, Sergi Vela, and Maria Fumanal are in the “Nanoscaled hybrid magnetic materials: new key actors unleashing solar overall water splitting” project, led by Marta Estrader.

Stefan T. Bromley, Jordi Ribas, Konstantin Neyman, and Albert Bruix participate in the “Towards Efficient Hydrogen Production with New Hybrid Electrocatalysts (HYDROCAT) Cap a una producció eficient d’hidrogen amb nous electrocatalitzadors híbrids” project in the Consell Superior d’Investigacions Científiques.